

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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We owe a big thank you to all the people who completed our survey recently. We had a great response, and we thought you'd like to know the outcome. There were two major surprises, as you'll see. 1. We listed all the vendors whose resources we distribute, and asked you to tell us which companies you use. People named an average of two companies each, and some people named several. 2. Over a third named Queensberry as one of their suppliers, but the first big surprise was that 40% of respondents wrote in the name of a company whose resources we don't offer. In fact we discovered that PJ is used To View More >>

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Let's wrap up this Problem reporter series and stop ignoring the elephant in the room… Who needs a problem reporter anyway? After all, as we confirmed at the webinar it drives some people nuts. Well I'm glad you asked! I should start by saying it's not an unusual concept. Try googling "pre-flight", for example, and check out the Wikipedia and Adobe listings in particular. What the pre-flight process does in the printing industry is ensure that digital files sent for printing are all present, valid, correctly formatted, and of the desired type. Why? Because, if they're not, the job can't be done. To View More >>

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It's that time of year when we take stock, make resolutions and ask questions ... like how can we make this year a winner? Are there too many photographers? Why do we ask our competitors for advice? What can we learn from musicians? And the big one: How much are our images worth? Sadly, that's not just about how good they are or how much time we spend on them in post-production. Our latest client newsletter is below. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment here or emailing Ian directly. Cheers, Nigel How much are your images worth? We received this present from our design consultants, To View More >>

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Hi all What an awesome privilege it's been to work with Queensberry to develop their Plug-in for Aperture 3!  As a true blue Apple fanboy it's been a really exciting project to work on. When Apple came knocking we jumped at a chance to partner with them, but we've since had a few clients ask questions like: - What's the difference between Aperture 3 and Photojunction? - Why would you create a plug-in for Aperture when you already make Photojunction? ...And my personal favourite: - Does this mean Photojunction is dead!? We think your decision will ultimately be based on personal preference and To View More >>

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Sometimes we have trouble persuading people that Photojunction displays images in overlay albums exactly as they will appear in the album. They think what you see on screen includes the area of the print that will get lost under the mat. That may be because other programs "grey out" the area that will be hidden (we do the same with photo front covers, but nowhere else). Photojunction hides it completely because we want to show you what the album will look like - no distractions! Anyway what you on screen is exactly what you'll see in the album. Take a look at the image panel of the tools window. To View More >>

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